Put the politicians on minimum wage and watch how fast things change.
you've put a knife in their hands with your vote
We have the power in our hands. Vote on May 6th.
Attention, do not let anger vote for you
attention, galops can change your mind
jan. 2012
for +design positive campaign 2012
Boom. Scools will start with no books this year. sep.'11
photo © Filippo Monteforte
Chernobyl | 25 years later
Don't forget to remember 17/11/1973
I love this Crap
poster_1_on racism
poster_2_on racism
who is next
global warming
cut clopy paste
Nine bullets on the back
World Day, Clidren's right. Turn your head.
Μusic day today. Collaboration with "onemanshow".
Greek Tourism Campaign. '07
As a response to Italy '09 quake
Just before the 2008 olympics
hell. '07
11th commandment. '09
for Poormag. '06
participation to a autism poster collection. '09
participation to a autism poster collection. '09
big fish small fish. '07
Plotilitics. 2005
Your vote can change the world
Men with the long arms
Land for sale. '07
take a good look. Also on a tee> www.cosmicsoda.com